showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Rune: Viking Warlord Take 2 Interactive (Human Head Studios)2001action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Drakengard  Square Enix;Take 2 Interactive (cavia)2003action/reflex beat 'em up shooter Fantasy labelimagesubject
Rise to Honor  Sony Computer Entertainment (Sony Computer Entertainment America)2004action/reflex beat 'em up labelimagesubject
Musashi: Samurai Legend Square Enix2005action/reflex role-play Manga labelimageminimize
Odin Sphere  Atlus (Vanillaware)2007action/reflex beat 'em up role-play Fantasy Manga labelimagesubject
The Incredible Hulk Sega (Edge of Reality)2008action/reflex Science Fiction labelimagesubject